Friday, October 30, 2015

Week 3 EOC: Making Money for Good

Warby Parker, a company similar to TOMS shoes, that benefits and incorporates the one for one sale. However, instead of shoes they use their main product, which are glasses.  So you buy a pair of Warby Parker glasses then a monthly donation of the accumulation of all that sold will be sent to their nonprofit partners. The non-profit trains people in countries that are developing so they can give eye exams and sell glasses to communities at a price that’s affordable.  This seems to raise a very interesting question, which is “Why sell them and not donate them?” From what is assumed, donations are like kindhearted gestures that can backfire or have the people who they are helping become dependent on such free things.

Donations are usually temporary that are not lasting. As mentioned before, the donators create a source of dependency that is rarely able to keep them sustained for the rest of their lives. This is why Warby Parker has decided to train the women and men of the designated country so not only can they sell great glasses but they are able to make a living for themselves and their family.

I think this is a far more interesting idea than just handing out free stuff cause it can help provide productivity and help such country develop even further. Just like when helping someone homeless. Giving money can get them so far but if you truly want to help them then you can teach then a skill set or trade that can not only help get them off their feet but help get their life back on track so they can help interact and provide for the surrounding community and society as a productive member. This is a truly better way of helping someone than simply giving them something for free and let them be on their way. 

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